

Film making (Storytelling) is the art of conveying a narrative or a series of events to an audience through various mediums, such as spoken word, writing, visual media, or performance. It's a fundamental way humans communicate and share experiences, emotions, and ideas. Effective storytelling engages... Read More

Shooting & Equipment

We have a wide range of equipment to facilitate the filmmaking process. The specific equipment used can vary based on the type of production. Here are some common types of equipment that production companies might use: We Production companies use high-range of cameras to capture... Read More

Post-Production (Editing, VFX & Grading)

Production is the ultimate phase of the film where; Editing, Color Grading, VFX and Animation are done. It is said that; final film is made on the editing table. Editor and Director together can decide and give the other way of styling the film in... Read More

Infographics and Illustration

This service is provided by our infographics artist with the application of 2D animation software, Photoshop and after effect. This feature is effective for educational and informative content. Infographics is the composition of picture, art, text, color and statistics.            ... Read More

Line Production

We assist and manage for legal documentation for shooting in Nepal. We also work as a line producer to accomplish the project within Nepal territory at any location. Nepal has diversify location of Himalaya, hill, tarai (plain area), forest with wild life, lakes etc. Nepal... Read More